Ministry of Health Mental Health
The journey towards transforming mental health care systems in Kenya has gathered momentum following the launch of the Kenya Mental Health Action Plan (2021-2025). Ministry of Health Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) Dr. Mercy Mwangangi who unveiled the 74-page document on behalf of Health Cabinet Secretary Senator Mutahi Kagwe, pointed out mental health remains an integral pillar in the country’s health system and social-economic development. She called for concerted efforts to boost mental health care systems through investment, dedication and planning for resources, coordination, oversight, awareness creation and advocacy.
Kenya Mental Health Policy 2015-2030
The Kenya Mental Health Policy 2015-2030 provides for a framework on interventions for securing mental health systems reforms in Kenya. This is in line with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Vision 2030, the Kenya Health Policy (2014- 2030) and the global commitments. The Constitution of Kenya 2010, in article 43. (1)(a) provides that “every person has the right to the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to healthcare services” 1. This necessarily includes mental health. The 65th World Health Assembly adopted Resolution WHA65.4 on the global burden of mental disorders and the need for a comprehensive coordinated response from the health and social sectors at country level. Subsequently, during the 66th World Health Assembly, Resolution WHA66.8 was adopted. It called on member states to develop comprehensive mental health action plans in line with the Global Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020.

News & Updates
- Mental Health Taskforce urges government to declare mental health a National Emergency Nairobi, Tuesday July 7, 2020
- Declare Mental Health A National Disaster: Taskforce
- Government Should Declare Mental Illness A National Emergency , Taskforce Says
- Depression, anxiety leading cases of mental disorders in Kenya
- Video: Ministry of health form task-force to address mental health in Nyeri county
- Op-ed: Why we Must End Stigma against Mental Illnesses and Position Mental Health as a Priority Agenda
- Statement on Taskforce on Mental Health
- Mental health taskforce heads to Meru on January 13 [Daily Nation]
- Task-force on Mental Health launched public participation drive [Capital Digital Media]
- Let's all support the mental health task force [The Star]
- Residents Want More Efforts To Address Mental Health [Kenya News Agency]
- Mental health key to success of BBI proposals [Daily Nation]
- 7,000 treated for mental sicknesses in Meru annually, task force told [The Star]
- Taskforce on mental health public participation in Kisumu
- Roll Out Mental Health Services In Local Hospitals, Njenga
- Road filled with challenges for mental health team
- Hard economic times fuelling mental illness, task force told